EXAMS!!! I hate Exam! So torturing!!!
well exam is on tomoro leh... din study much during the 2 weeks holiday... so i dun tink so tat i'm goin to score tat well as i xpected! haiz... tat's the only sickness i have tat din have cure tat is LAZY!!! really really need to take initial step liao... so anyone, i mean anybody who can inspire me 2 study hard pls do appear in my life now and scold me and say anythin to me... anything tat bad about me such as "hey u! y so lazy? failed in stpm, ur future destroyed! so lift up ur butt and go read book!" or anything like tat! So anyway hopez tat miracle do happen for tiz exam!
anyway i miz my study group when i'm at form 5! SO FUN... study and make jokez in d same time! mayb tatz the reason y i can study when i'm at form 5
so i tink i shud start up a study group and study hard! BUT WHO can i ask???
everybody in my class lives so far... UNLESS THEY WILLING TO SACRIFICE to do so and who will do tat??? sob sob... maybe outsiders or other class frenz! neway it will be better if it iz own classmate coz v share the same teacher and the atmosphere in the classroom! HAHA...
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