nothin special these day,,,
guezz wat for today mornin???
i woke up about 6.50 am and tat is oso thks to chi chung who called me coz i bet he waited long enuf for me to fetch him
haha... tat time still in pyjamas, not yet watch my face and still not yet drink my hot drink yet...
wow... reach to school bout 8.30am... haha... so cool man... sum of my classmate ask where did i go last nite? they said i go to Zouk(yun rong)! haha... i answer yes! becoz they ask me silly question and tat's for sure i will reply them with a silly answer and v can drag our topic until about our xperience on alcohol!!!
after school, me, zheng dao, jia wen and kenson(the usual gang) went to cc for DotA! well me n zdao in one team against kenson,jia wen and 1 ppl from the cc in 1 team!!! 3vs2! but some how my team won!!! haha.. omost lose though!!!
dont go cc la. no good.
CC good very good especially for releasing stress ^_^. No lar...jk...i oni go when....i feel like going cc doesnt affect ur studies....its ok lo to go once in a blue moon...but if it affect studies,,,then i felt guilty of asking u to go.....
LoL,,,last last time i remember sumone say thats his last time to go CC... Then suddenli go pulak.... Hahahaha!!!
R u refering to me?? =.= say i dun play dota anymore at home...but din say nvr go cc wor,,,
Not u lar,,,i think Desmond said he dun1 to go alde last time.... Neway,,,must chill sumtimes also rite,,,hehehehe!!!
well.... once a while!!! now my home no more warcraft and cs... com not enuf memory!!! download lots of movie and video clip!!! well my dear dean, go cc oso got some good thing! well u get to meet some frenz!!! then challenge them and have a good game!!! semangat kesukanan boleh disemai!
yeah.. once a while ok la. not too often. dodgy place to stay too long. bandaraya come tapau dat time, hmm.. 'chap sang' la u.
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