Inactive doesn't mean stop!
-basically it is a very very very boring week! and through out tiz week... it is cold! nice... i like it!
Mon: Lost season 2 2 hours finale! nice... too bad... there will be a season 3! wow... too many question and unsolved mystery... can't wait for the next season... hehe... well... only got 1 fren from my class follow tat show... she's the only person i can talk bout the drama series... who else if it is not the anonymous at my chat box!
Wed: heavy rain... wah... dam nice to sleep... seldom got tiz kind of chance... ZzzzZZZzzz.... luckily no archery... balik awal... ngam ngam get down the bus it start to get rain and ngam ngam i enter my house heavy rain start... phew... lucky for me!
Fri: Oooops i did it again!!! DotA too much liao... lose my breath again when i play DotA with jia wen! haiz... then, tak puas hati... rematch and i dun care bout my tuition... idiot me... after DotA i regret tat i din go 4 tution! haiz...
Sat: buy the poseidon dvd... but malas to watch it... how annoying i am! walk 2 rounds in pasar malam... teman my fren, Calvin... usually walk 1 round...
7th/august to 13rd august
-another boring week... for me lar...
Wed: well tiz time archery is goin on very well... initially tot i would b cancel coz of the shooting for the milo advertisement... they occupied the field... haiz... good thing is all of sudden they finished it... so play lor... play till 3pm... well get to kick the football few times when i'm on the field... still tak puas! well sara sara... she kicked the ball to my bow which i'm holding with my left arm... and the ball make the bow hit my waist... OUch...and my wrist hurts at tat time... after the game... go and makan then lepak at the food court with ee sheng... chit chat till 5.45pm...
Thu: well today i'm a bit hyper... bully grace in tuition... and on the way to tuition too... hehe... still remember the trick i throw on her in tuition... i told her "U r sitting on sumthing!" then she start to get curious and look at her chair again and again... v keep on laughin... at least for 30 minutes she was curious... then i told her "yah! u r sitting on sumthing and tat sumthing is a chair! how possible can u sit if u din sit on the thing called chair???" wakaka... laugh the whole way and she said tat i bully her! well too bad ee sheng is not there to protect grace! grace mentioned "if ee sheng is here..."
Fri:DotA with zdao... 1st round is an unfair match! 3vs2... v lost coz 1 of our teamate gone! 2nd round 1 vs 1 with zdao... yeah... i won! :p! teman grace at popular after tution... i make sum silly jokes... for the very 1st time she laughed WITH SOUND!!! wat a good discovery... bet she's tired to control her voice liao... hehe... cannot wait to tell the rest...
Sat: well... pasar malam again... haih... got no movie to buy... found a movie which i wan to watch long time ago... but i still not yet watch the poseidon and the phantom of the opera which i bought the dvd long long long time ago... so went home with my fav food... hmmm... laksa... long time no eat liao... miss the food! take a short nap for a while... when wake up... i go n watch the poseidon movie... not bad... haih... thinking bac... zdao and their team dun wan to wait for me... haih... anyway tat time i malas to go out so early... give zdao chance to kap lui maa... hehe...
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