herei am again...
haih haih haih... exam break... so i do a little bit of crappin...
nothing much happen in tis few month... got oso dam boring one...
juz do the normal routine life... wake, brush teeth, wash face, bath, eat, go to school and come back if there's class, makan, sms or on the phone, watch tv, tidur... then repeat again for the next day again! boring rite??? but sumtimes oso got go out yam cha with frenz, tar kei at cc/arcade with frens, drivin around, play pool, play my ps2 and other thing else tat fun!
hmmm... sum how i dun wan tiz year to come an end... got few trusted fren i got in my form 6 class... and lotz of thing happen eventhough it is not as fun as i hang around with my old fren but i truly enjoy myself at d momment i hang around with my form 6 classmate...
hmmm... i lookin forward for our next class trip... hope it will be dam fun coz tiz time i promise myself i will do my very best to left a very happy mark/memory in my heart and in my mind...
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