it's friday nite... i'm bored
i'm bored! so i flash back some lame conversations i've had and heard...
here is a lame 1...
jia wen my place for dota. me, calvin and him... 2 vs me... me won! haha... so then he ask me to send him till the star lrt... the nearest bandar tun razak...
in the car, i and calvin made a silly joke and laughed... i dun remember but the joke involved jia wen in it!
jia wen: i tink u all nid to c the hospital!
me : huh? hospital!? like tiz doctor no more job lo... ppl sick go c the building only... stand outside of the builing and look at it and then recover! (i put my hand on my forehead)! haha...
calvin : buahahahahahahaaha....! laughed till i sakit perut
and then, every word came out frm jia wen mouth, v'll laughed... :D
here i a very annoying 1...
at Kita tuition... grace sat between me and dao...
me : meow u sat on sumthing!
then dao looked at me... i immediately blink an eye to him... (it was joke)
dao : ooh...
grace : look behind... look down at the chair she sat on... huh? got wat?
me : stand up and c la... u'll noe.
the class is goin on... if u stand in the middle of the class while the lesson is goin on without any reason... u are sumthing wrong rite?
grace : tell la wat i sat on...
me : lalalala...
dao : (laughing with his hand closing his mouth...)
me : (follow dao)
grace : ... (very curious look... kept on looking wat she sat on). wat?
erm... when the class end she stand up and look at the chair...
me : u sat on chair lo... i said u sat on sumthing ma... if not chair wat u sat on? :P
for bout 25min she curious on wat she sat on... haha...
during archery...
me, sara, chi yee and calvin...
calvin is kinda daring sara... chi yee was returning to the shooting line after collecting the arrow. (my arrows)
calvin: shoot la... (there is some remaining arrow)
sara: wat happen if i hit him? wat happen if i miss him?
calvin: if u miss him, u can cal him ma... nowadays got handphone ma... can always cal him when u miss him...
me: haha...
at mamak shop...
i was eating maggi goreng... suddenly...
a cat jump onto my lap and look at the table...
me: wat the...
chai yuen: (in cantonese) fatt tat lo u... got luck... hahaha....
me: ... my maggi... polluted by a cat... (take the cat down, give the cat sum of my maggi goreng)...
chai yuen: ahhhh...
the cat jumped onto her lap tiz time...
me: your baby ar? never feed him ar? wahaha...
chai yuen: ...
tiz 1 kinda annoyed me...
one of my tution-mate enter hospital... 2am send me a sms bout tat... ai... i tot it was a joke at the 1st place... so after i read it, i cont my sleep... the next day...
thru sms...
me: enter hospital? wat is the problem?
ee von: ----------- (the disease name, cant recal wat was it). my lung shrink... shrink 10% of the normal size. very hard to breathe.
me: huh? how come? wat is the cause of it?
ee von: u la... always make me laugh... know u for 3 months oredy shrink 10%
me: gud... if 1 year ur lung will shrink 40%
tiz 1 oso...
thru sms... early in the morning... bout 9am... i slept late the day b4... so... im sleepy le...
xue meng: good morning... i'm goin for JPA interview. wish me luck!
me: yala yala... gud luck... (i noe she is goin for JPA medic interview)
xue meng: sounds like not sincere 1... sleeping ar? wake up la... the sun oredy rise up...
me: not high enuf...
xue meng: later the sun will burn ur butt! wake up!
me: oredy wake up wo after u sms me
3 hours later...
xue meng: i'm hungry... waited for so long. wait until the spider build its web around me...
me: i go find u and buy u some food k
xue meng: u really will come ar?
me: after i finish my work... it will b around 5pm... then i go tau pau and find u!
xue meng: then tak payah la... by then, i will b starving to death
moral of tiz conversation: at least try to offer sumthing... when they ask u whether can u make it in time, say sumthing tat sounds uncovinient to them. later they wun say tat, u din offer to them. :P
hahaha...after luking n luking thru ery1's blog...u r da oni 1 which updated ur job!keke..Duno tat u hav such gud memory by remembering those conversation so vividly...So paiseh tat time...=P
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